"All God's Promises are Yes & Amen!"
A Non-Denominational Apostolic Healing Church

Shalom Worship Centre
Praise & Worship
Sunday morning 10.30am.
"Shalom House"
116 Waverley Avenue MERRIGUM 3618
Enquiries- 0429866478
Shalom Worship Centre is affiliated with Connexions International.
"A ministry to ministry network" for mutual support & strength
in serving and knowing God's heart for His kingdom here on earth.

Upcoming February events
February Shabbat- Friday February 7th. Arrive 6,30pm for 7pm start. RSVP 0429866478 by Wednesday 5th
Saturday February 8th 7.30pm & Sunday February 9th 2pm (Baptism Service)
Mulwala Visit to "House on The Rock" - Steve Schiller ministering! "The Raw Edge of The Christian Experience"
See Upcoming Events page for more details.
Note- no Merrigum Service on Sunday February 9th.

"Blackest White Woman from the Top End!"- Janet Beasley will be in region from February 21st to March 2nd. More details to come.